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Thursday, December 10, 2009

yeah holiday father bring 我们 去中国 呵呵 可是...

好也假期爸爸带我们一家去中国哈哈 , 24/12 去2/1/2010 回来 不知道在哪儿有没有遇到朋友
如果有就好陆 呵呵。
假期再补习老师那, 不完了3.00或4.00 妈妈才来载我 。
回到家不知道要干嘛就开了点脑 上网了我就写了post 不知道还要写什么了啦!!!
我不想转啊~~~~~~~~~ 我舍不得我的朋友和(M)啊~我不想转啊~~~~

Saturday, November 21, 2009

haiz no tajuk

today is saturday every saturday i must go to katalik high skul to pratice ( hua yue ) wake up 7.00

go the skul 5.00 pm finish . mum 5 somthing come and fesh me i very tried when i was finish the

(hua yue ) .

when i back home open my msn geng man said to me y i very late on msn de she said just now M

hav on ar ~~~~~ T.T cannot talk to him haiz but nvm la can talk very time when him on msn hehe


Thursday, November 12, 2009

huh last day see him le ar ~~~ today ar

T.T today teacher give us notice when i see that 1p4 go to skul monday onli i wan T.T le ar ~~~~~

cause 1p8 go skul tues , wednessay , thur ,and friday i just go monday T.T cant see M le ar ~~~~`


t.t sad

haiz ...

Friday, November 6, 2009

exam ar ~~~~~


exam geografi and seni 2 hehe
geografi ok seni nice hehe i draw
tie 骨头人de face use le poster colour
use le red black and white hehe ok le
my friend said nice wor ying ok lelele
when morning i wake up (sa sa de )
hehe dono y 自己kenal (ziang bi )
T.T my kepala ar ~~~~~

sakit T.T

then i go bath (siang siang )

then go tuition morning tuition 9.00 am until 11.00

makan lunch at tuitoin there tuition teacher cook de luch ok le can eat le

then 11.50 am jalan kaki go down and wait school bus
haiz hehe go skul le can see M le ang wan exam le ar ~~~~~


next day ...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

today sunday boring wan study

today sunday morning i and my mum go morning pasar buy things......

all oso me take haiz boring wan go gai gai oso canot xd but i know de la i wan go mum oso said

cannot but my sis can go de she said wan wat my mum buy i said wan mum ( no) .

11.00 am go drawing class ,until1.00 mum come take us back haiz wan exam le ar ~~~~

mum every time cakap cakap cakap i oso dont wan hear le she oso wan cakap cakap cakap haiz

just giv she cakap only la

haiz haiz y M sunday no on msn de nvm la i think he study at sunday ba hehe

dont wan ( fan) ta hehe ,i oso wan study le bb

Monday, October 12, 2009

today boring play computer

haiz today very boring ar ~~~~~~~~~~~go tuition 9.00 until 6.00 pm go back home

mum buy dinner (ban min) haiz boring dono wan said wat .

today oso donot no y M de msn turn to no picture and blue colour , haiz

many haiz busy haiz .... xd

said le said again dono wan said wat ar ~~~~~~~~~~

ok bb xd

Sunday, October 11, 2009

welcome to my blog .Today i was just on a new blog ,haiz i oso dont no wan said wat at here i said it

at the morning 9.00 am, i was just wake up and brush teeth and go down kitchen and eat

breakfast my breakfast is a bowl (mangkok) of noddle and a cup of milk .

that all ,wait until 9.30 am i go drawing class . draw, draw, draw watercolour a catus and an apple

hehe xD .

draw until 11.ooam mum come and fesh me and sister , when i was waiting my mum my (wei) sakit

T.T pain ar ~~~~~~ i oso dont no y !! morning i hav eat breakfast oso (wei ) sakit T.T ~~~~

Haiz at night i go to fajah de resturant eat dinner at 6.00pm ,haiz so early eat leh wo mei wei

kou ~~~~ heheXD